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Current view: top level - kernel - Path_mod.f90 (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: ParaMonte 1.5.1 :: Coarray Parallel Kernel - Code Coverage Report Lines: 143 143 100.0 %
Date: 2021-01-08 12:59:07 Functions: 10 10 100.0 %
Legend: Lines: hit not hit

          Line data    Source code
       1             : !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
       2             : !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
       3             : !!!!
       4             : !!!!   MIT License
       5             : !!!!
       6             : !!!!   ParaMonte: plain powerful parallel Monte Carlo library.
       7             : !!!!
       8             : !!!!   Copyright (C) 2012-present, The Computational Data Science Lab
       9             : !!!!
      10             : !!!!   This file is part of the ParaMonte library.
      11             : !!!!
      12             : !!!!   Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
      13             : !!!!   copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
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      17             : !!!!   Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
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      20             : !!!!   included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
      21             : !!!!
      28             : !!!!   OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.
      29             : !!!!
      30             : !!!!   ACKNOWLEDGMENT
      31             : !!!!
      32             : !!!!   ParaMonte is an honor-ware and its currency is acknowledgment and citations.
      33             : !!!!   As per the ParaMonte library license agreement terms, if you use any parts of
      34             : !!!!   this library for any purposes, kindly acknowledge the use of ParaMonte in your
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      40             : !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      41             : !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      42             : 
      43             : !> This module contains classes and procedures for manipulating system file/folder paths.
      44             : !>  \author Amir Shahmoradi
      45             : 
      46             : module Path_mod
      47             : 
      48             :     use Constants_mod, only: IK ! LCOV_EXCL_LINE
      49             :     use Err_mod, only: Err_type
      50             :     implicit none
      51             : 
      52             :     character(*), parameter :: MODULE_NAME = "@Path_mod"
      53             : 
      54             :     integer(IK), parameter  :: MAX_FILE_PATH_LEN = 2047
      55             : 
      56             :     !> Windows reserved characters (not allowed in filenames):
      57             :     character(*), parameter :: WINDOWS_RESERVED_CHAR = "<>:" // '"' // "|?*" ! /\
      58             : 
      59             : #if defined INTEL_COMPILER_ENABLED
      60             : 
      61             :     character(*), parameter :: SHELL_ESCAPE_CHAR =  &
      62             :                                                     " " // & ! space character
      63             :                                                     "!" // & ! history expansion.
      64             :                                                     '"' // & ! shell syntax.
      65             :                                                     "#" // & ! comment start when preceded by whitespace; zsh wildcards.
      66             :                                                     "$" // & ! shell syntax.
      67             :                                                     "&" // & ! shell syntax.
      68             :                                                     "'" // & ! shell syntax.
      69             :                                                     "(" // & ! even in the middle of a word: ksh extended globs (also available in bash and zsh); zsh wildcards.
      70             :                                                     ")" // & ! even in the middle of a word: ksh extended globs (also available in bash and zsh); zsh wildcards.
      71             :                                                     "*" // & ! sh wildcard.
      72             :                                                     "," // & ! only inside brace expansion.
      73             :                                                     ";" // & ! shell syntax.
      74             :                                                     "<" // & ! shell syntax.
      75             :                                                     "=" // & ! in zsh, when it is at the beginning of a file name (filename expansion with PATH lookup).
      76             :                                                     ">" // & ! shell syntax.
      77             :                                                     "?" // & ! sh wildcard.
      78             :                                                     "[" // & ! sh wildcard.
      79             :                                                     "\" // & ! shell syntax.
      80             :                                                     "]" // & ! you may get away with leaving it unquoted.
      81             :                                                     "^" // & ! history expansion; zsh wildcard.
      82             :                                                     "`" // & ! shell syntax.
      83             :                                                     "{" // & ! brace expansion.
      84             :                                                     "|" // & ! shell syntax.
      85             :                                                     "}" // & ! needs to be escaped in zsh, other shells are more lenient when there is no matching opening brace.
      86             :                                                     "~"      ! home directory expansion when at the beginning of a filename; zsh wildcard; safe when it is the last character.
      87             : 
      88             : #else
      89             : 
      90             :     ! stupid gfortran (possibly version 8.3) gives error on the above syntax
      91             :     character(*), parameter :: SHELL_ESCAPE_CHAR = " !"//'"#$&'//"'()*,;<=>?[\]^`{|}~"
      92             : 
      93             : #endif
      94             : 
      95             :     ! The `Path_type` class.
      96             :     type :: Path_type
      97             :         character(:), allocatable       :: original     !< The original path.
      98             :         character(:), allocatable       :: modified     !< The modified path based on the OS/platform type.
      99             :         character(:), allocatable       :: dir          !< The directory segment of the path.
     100             :         character(:), allocatable       :: name         !< The name of the file, if any exists in the path.
     101             :         character(:), allocatable       :: base         !< The base of the file name, if any exists in the path.
     102             :         character(:), allocatable       :: ext          !< The file extension, if any exists in the path (including the dot separator).
     103             :         character(1)                    :: shellSlash   !< The type of the separator (forward/backward slash) with which the original path is *modified*.
     104             :         type(Err_type)                  :: Err          !< An object of class [Err_type](@ref err_mod::err_type) containing error handling tools.
     105             :     contains
     106             :         procedure, pass                 :: query
     107             :         procedure, nopass               :: modify
     108             :         procedure, nopass               :: getDirNameExt, getDirFullName, getNameExt
     109             :         procedure, nopass               :: winify, linify
     110             :         procedure, nopass               :: mkdir
     111             :         procedure, nopass               :: isdir
     112             :     end type Path_type
     113             : 
     114             :     interface Path_type
     115             :         module procedure :: constructPath
     116             :     end interface Path_type
     117             : 
     118             : !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
     119             : 
     120             : contains
     121             : 
     122             : !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
     123             : 
     124             :     !> \brief
     125             :     !> This is the constructor of the class [Path_type](@ref path_type).\n
     126             :     !> Return an object of class [Path_type](@ref path_type) given the input specifications.
     127             :     !>
     128             :     !> \param[in]   inputPath   :   The input path.
     129             :     !> \param[in]   OS          :   An object of class [OS_type](@ref system_mod::os_type) containing information about the operating system (**optional**).
     130             :     !>
     131             :     !> \return
     132             :     !> `Path` : An object of class [Path_type](@ref path_type) containing the path properties and methods.
     133        5955 :     function constructPath(inputPath,OS) result(Path)
     134             : #if INTEL_COMPILER_ENABLED && defined DLL_ENABLED && (OS_IS_WINDOWS || defined OS_IS_DARWIN)
     135             :         !DEC$ ATTRIBUTES DLLEXPORT :: constructPath
     136             : #endif
     137             :         use System_mod, only: OS_type
     138             :         implicit none
     139             :         type(Path_type)                     :: Path
     140             :         character(*), intent(in)            :: inputPath
     141             :         type(OS_type), intent(in), optional :: OS
     142        5955 :         call Path%query(inputPath,OS)
     143        5955 :     end function constructPath
     144             : 
     145             : !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
     146             : 
     147             :     !> \brief
     148             :     !> This procedure is a method of the class [Path_type](@ref path_type).\n
     149             :     !> Construct an object of class [Path_type](@ref path_type) as output.
     150             :     !>
     151             :     !> \param[inout]    Path        :   An object of class [Path_type](@ref path_type) containing the path properties and methods.
     152             :     !> \param[in]       inputPath   :   The input path (**optional**). If provided, it will overwrite `Path%original`.
     153             :     !> \param[in]       OS          :   An object of class [OS_type](@ref system_mod::os_type) containing information about the operating system (**optional**).
     154             :     !>
     155             :     !> \warning
     156             :     !> On output, do not forget to check the value `Path%%Err%%occurred` before using the output `Path`.
     157        7008 :     subroutine query(Path,inputPath,OS)
     158             : #if INTEL_COMPILER_ENABLED && defined DLL_ENABLED && (OS_IS_WINDOWS || defined OS_IS_DARWIN)
     159             :         !DEC$ ATTRIBUTES DLLEXPORT :: query
     160             : #endif
     161        5955 :         use Err_mod, only: Err_type
     162             :         use Constants_mod, only: IK
     163             :         use System_mod, only: OS_type
     164             :         use String_mod, only: replaceStr
     165             :         implicit none
     166             :         class(Path_type), intent(inout)     :: Path
     167             :         character(*), intent(in), optional  :: inputPath
     168             :         type(OS_type), intent(in), optional :: OS
     169             :         logical                             :: isUnixShell
     170             : 
     171             :         character(*), parameter             :: PROCEDURE_NAME = MODULE_NAME//"@query()"
     172             : 
     173        7008 :         Path%Err%occurred = .false.
     174        7008 :         Path%Err%msg = ""
     175             : 
     176        7008 :         if (present(inputPath)) then
     177        5955 :             Path%original = trim(adjustl(inputPath))
     178        1053 :         elseif (.not.allocated(Path%original)) then
     179           3 :             Path%Err%occurred = .true.
     180           3 :             Path%Err%msg = PROCEDURE_NAME//": Error occurred. Neither inputPath argument is given as input, nor Path%original is allocated to construct the Path object."
     181           3 :             return
     182             :         else
     183        1050 :             if ( len(trim(adjustl(Path%original)))==0 ) then
     184           9 :                 Path%Err%occurred = .true.
     185           9 :                 Path%Err%msg = PROCEDURE_NAME//": Error occurred. Neither inputPath argument is given as input, nor Path%original has a non-blank length > 0 to construct the Path object."
     186           9 :                 return
     187             :             end if
     188             :         end if
     189             : 
     190        6996 :         if (present(OS)) then
     191        6753 :             Path%shellSlash = OS%Shell%slash
     192        6753 :             isUnixShell = OS%Shell%isUnix
     193             :         else
     194        1458 :             block
     195         243 :                 type(OS_type) :: OS
     196         243 :                 call OS%query()
     197         243 :                 if (OS%Err%occurred) then
     198             :                 ! LCOV_EXCL_START
     199             :                     Path%Err%stat = OS%Err%stat
     200             :                     Path%Err%occurred = OS%Err%occurred
     201             :                     Path%Err%msg = PROCEDURE_NAME // ": Error occurred while querying OS type.\n" // Path%Err%msg
     202             :                 end if
     203             :                 ! LCOV_EXCL_STOP
     204         243 :                 Path%shellSlash = OS%Shell%slash
     205        1701 :                 isUnixShell = OS%Shell%isUnix
     206             :             end block
     207         243 :             if (Path%Err%occurred) return
     208             :         end if
     209             : 
     210        6996 :         if (isUnixShell) then
     211             :             ! if the path contains both / and \, then assume that it is already in linux style
     212        6996 :             if (index(Path%original,"/")==0) then ! path is given in Windows style
     213          42 :                 Path%modified = linify(Path%original)
     214             :             else
     215        6954 :                 Path%modified = Path%original
     216             :             end if
     217             : #if defined OS_IS_WINDOWS
     218             :         else
     219             :             Path%modified = winify(Path%original)
     220             : #endif
     221             :         end if
     222             : 
     223        6996 :         call Path%getDirNameExt( Path%modified, Path%shellSlash, Path%dir, Path%name, Path%ext )
     224        6996 :         Path%base = Path%dir // Path%name
     225             : 
     226       14004 :     end subroutine query
     227             : 
     228             : !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
     229             : 
     230             :     !> \brief
     231             :     !> This procedure is a static method of the class [Path_type](@ref path_type).\n
     232             :     !> Convert the the input path to the modified path according to the rules of the Windows operating system.
     233             :     !>
     234             :     !> \param[in]       inputPath   :   The input path. If provided, it will overwrite `Path%original`.
     235             :     !>
     236             :     !> \return
     237             :     !> `outputPath` : The output modified path which conforms to the rules of the Windows OS.
     238             :     !>
     239             :     !> \warning
     240             :     !> This code assumes that the input path is a Linux path. Windows paths like `.\(paramonte)\paramonte.nml` will be horribly
     241             :     !> treated by this routine as `\(` also represents a Linux escape character. The result will be `.(paramonte)\paramonte.nml`.
     242             :     !>
     243             :     !> \warning
     244             :     !> This routine strictly assumes that there is no dangling `\` in the input Linux path, and if there is,
     245             :     !> then either it is used to escape the special shell characters, or otherwise, the path is a Windows path.
     246           9 :     pure function winify(inputPath) result(outputPath) !,Err)!,ignoreWindowsReservedChars)
     247             : #if INTEL_COMPILER_ENABLED && defined DLL_ENABLED && (OS_IS_WINDOWS || defined OS_IS_DARWIN)
     248             :         !DEC$ ATTRIBUTES DLLEXPORT :: winify
     249             : #endif
     250             :        !use Err_mod, only: Err_type
     251        7008 :         use Constants_mod, only: IK
     252             :         use String_mod, only: replaceStr
     253             :         implicit none
     254             :         character(len=*), intent(in)            :: inputPath
     255             :         character(:), allocatable               :: outputPath
     256             :        !type(Err_type), intent(out)             :: Err
     257             :        !logical, intent(in), optional           :: ignoreWindowsReservedChars
     258             :        !logical                                 :: reservedCharInspectionNeeded
     259             :        !character(*), parameter                 :: PROCEDURE_NAME = MODULE_NAME//"@winify()"
     260           9 :         character(:), allocatable               :: outputPathDummy
     261             :         integer(IK)                             :: i, j, outputPathLen
     262             : 
     263             :         !Err%occurred = .false.
     264             :         !Err%msg = ""
     265             : 
     266             :         ! check if any character in the input path is Windows Reserved Character:
     267             : 
     268             :         !reservedCharInspectionNeeded = .true.
     269             :         !if (present(ignoreWindowsReservedChars)) reservedCharInspectionNeeded = .not. ignoreReservedChars
     270             :         !if (reservedCharInspectionNeeded) then
     271             :         !    do i = 1, len(WINDOWS_RESERVED_CHAR)
     272             :         !       if ( index(inputPath,WINDOWS_RESERVED_CHAR(i:i)) /= 0 ) then
     273             :         !           Err%occurred = .true.
     274             :         !           Err%msg =   PROCEDURE_NAME // ": Error occurred. Invalid Windows character '" // &
     275             :         !                       WINDOWS_RESERVED_CHAR(i:i) // "' detected in the input file path='" // inputPath // "'."
     276             :         !           return
     277             :         !       end if
     278             :         !    end do
     279             :         !end if
     280             : 
     281             :         !if ( index(inputPath,"\\") /= 0 ) then
     282             :         !    Err%occurred = .true.
     283             :         !    Err%msg = PROCEDURE_NAME // ": Error occurred. Invalid Windows character '\' corresponding to '\\' detected &
     284             :         !            & in the input file path='" // inputPath // "'."
     285             :         !    return
     286             :         !end if
     287             : 
     288             :         ! note that multiple \ character in sequence is meaningless in Linux (basically \\ reduces to \),
     289             :         ! and in Windows means the same as a single \. Therefore, reduce all sequential \ characters to a single \.
     290             : 
     291           9 :         outputPath = trim(adjustl(inputPath))
     292           6 :         loopRemoveMultipleSlash: do
     293          15 :             outputPathDummy = replaceStr(outputPath,"\\","\")
     294          15 :             if (outputPathDummy==outputPath) exit loopRemoveMultipleSlash
     295          15 :             outputPath = outputPathDummy
     296             :         end do loopRemoveMultipleSlash
     297           9 :         outputPathLen = len(outputPath)
     298             : 
     299             :         ! Now check for the presence of any Linux Shell Escape Character in the input path without a preceding \.
     300             :         ! If there is any, this would imply that the input path is a Windows path,
     301             :         ! otherwise a escape character without preceding \ would be invalid in Linux.
     302             : 
     303           9 :         if (outputPathLen==1_IK) then
     304           6 :             if (outputPath=="/") outputPath = "\"
     305           6 :             return
     306             :         else
     307          78 :             do i = 1, len(SHELL_ESCAPE_CHAR)
     308          78 :                 if (SHELL_ESCAPE_CHAR(i:i)/="\") then
     309        1872 :                     do j = 2, outputPathLen
     310        1872 :                         if (outputPath(j:j)==SHELL_ESCAPE_CHAR(i:i)) then
     311           9 :                             if (outputPath(j-1:j-1)/="\") return ! no escaping has occurred. Therefore, it is a windows path, there is no need for further winifying.
     312             :                         end if
     313             :                     end do
     314             :                 end if
     315             :             end do
     316             :         end if
     317             : 
     318             :         ! By now, there is no way but to assume that the path is indeed a Linux path
     319             :         ! Thus, correct for any Linux Shell Escape Character in the input path:
     320             : 
     321          78 :         do i = 1, len(SHELL_ESCAPE_CHAR)
     322          78 :             outputPath = replaceStr(outputPath,"\"//SHELL_ESCAPE_CHAR(i:i),SHELL_ESCAPE_CHAR(i:i))
     323             :         end do
     324             : 
     325             :         ! Now remove any remaining backslash in the input path:
     326             :         ! commented out: it is assumed that there are no dangling \ in the Linux path
     327             :         !outputPath = replaceStr(outputPath,"\","")
     328             : 
     329             :         ! check if the file name contains white space. if so, put the entire name in quotations
     330             : 
     331           3 :         if ( index(outputPath," ") /= 0 ) then
     332           3 :             outputPath = '"' // outputPath  // '"'
     333             :         end if
     334           3 :         outputPath = replaceStr(outputPath,"/","\")
     335             : 
     336           9 :     end function winify
     337             : 
     338             : !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
     339             : 
     340             :     !> \brief
     341             :     !> This `pure` procedure is a static method of the class [Path_type](@ref path_type).\n
     342             :     !> Convert the the input path to the modified path according to the rules of the Unix operating systems.
     343             :     !>
     344             :     !> \param[in]   inputPath   :   The input path. If provided, it will overwrite `Path%original`.
     345             :     !>
     346             :     !> \return
     347             :     !> `outputPath` : The output modified path which conforms to the rules of the Unix OS.
     348          51 :     pure function linify(inputPath) result(outputPath)
     349             : #if INTEL_COMPILER_ENABLED && defined DLL_ENABLED && (OS_IS_WINDOWS || defined OS_IS_DARWIN)
     350             :         !DEC$ ATTRIBUTES DLLEXPORT :: linify
     351             : #endif
     352           9 :         use Constants_mod, only: IK
     353             :         use String_mod, only: replaceStr
     354             :         implicit none
     355             :         character(*), intent(in)    :: inputPath
     356             :         character(:), allocatable   :: outputPath
     357          51 :         character(:), allocatable   :: outputPathDummy
     358             :         integer(IK)                 :: i
     359             : 
     360             :         ! check if the path is sandwiched between quotation marks. If so, remove them:
     361          51 :         outputPath = trim(adjustl(inputPath))
     362          51 :         i = len(outputPath)
     363          51 :         if (i==0) return
     364          36 :         if ( i>1 ) then
     365          36 :             if ( (outputPath(1:1)=='"' .and. outputPath(i:i)=='"') .or. (outputPath(1:1)=="'" .and. outputPath(i:i)=="'") )then
     366           6 :                 outputPathDummy = outputPath(2:i-1)
     367             :             else
     368          30 :                 outputPathDummy = outputPath
     369             :             end if
     370             :         end if
     371             : 
     372             :         ! First change all backslashes to forward slash:
     373          36 :         outputPath = replaceStr(outputPathDummy,"\","/")
     374             : 
     375             :         ! Now correct for any Linux Shell Escape Character in the input path:
     376         936 :         do i = 1, len(SHELL_ESCAPE_CHAR)
     377         936 :             if (SHELL_ESCAPE_CHAR(i:i)/="\") then
     378         864 :                 outputPathDummy = replaceStr(outputPath,SHELL_ESCAPE_CHAR(i:i),"\"//SHELL_ESCAPE_CHAR(i:i))
     379         864 :                 outputPath = outputPathDummy
     380             :             end if
     381             :         end do
     382             : 
     383             :         !! Now correct for any white spaces in outputPath:
     384             :         !outputPath = replaceStr(outputPath," ","\ ")
     385             : 
     386          51 :     end function linify
     387             : 
     388             : !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
     389             : 
     390             :     !> \brief
     391             :     !> This procedure is a static method of the class [Path_type](@ref path_type).\n
     392             :     !> Modify the input path to conform to the rules of the current inferred operating system.
     393             :     !>
     394             :     !> \param[in]       inputPath   :   The input path. If provided, it will overwrite `Path%original`.
     395             :     !> \param[out]      outputPath  :   The output modified path which conforms to the rules of the current OS.
     396             :     !> \param[out]      Err         :   An object of class [Err_type](@ref err_mod::err_type) containing error handling tools.
     397           3 :     subroutine modify(inputPath,outputPath,Err)
     398             : #if INTEL_COMPILER_ENABLED && defined DLL_ENABLED && (OS_IS_WINDOWS || defined OS_IS_DARWIN)
     399             :         !DEC$ ATTRIBUTES DLLEXPORT :: modify
     400             : #endif
     401          51 :         use Err_mod, only: Err_type
     402             :         use Constants_mod, only: IK
     403             :         use System_mod, only: OS_type
     404             :         use String_mod, only: replaceStr
     405             :         implicit none
     406             :         character(len=*), intent(in) :: inputPath
     407             :         character(:), allocatable, intent(out) :: outputPath
     408             :         type(Err_type), intent(out) :: Err
     409             : 
     410           3 :         type(OS_type) :: OS
     411             : 
     412             :         character(*), parameter :: PROCEDURE_NAME = MODULE_NAME//"@modify()"
     413             : 
     414           3 :         outputPath = trim(adjustl(inputPath))
     415             : 
     416           3 :         Err%occurred = .false.
     417           3 :         Err%msg = ""
     418             : 
     419           3 :         call OS%query()
     420             : 
     421           3 :         if (OS%Err%occurred) then
     422             :         ! LCOV_EXCL_START
     423             :             Err = OS%Err
     424             :             Err%msg = PROCEDURE_NAME // ": Error occurred while modifying inputPath='" // outputPath // "'.\n" // Err%msg
     425             :             return
     426             :         end if
     427             :         ! LCOV_EXCL_STOP
     428             : 
     429           3 :         if (OS%Shell%isUnix) then
     430           3 :             outputPath = linify(inputPath)
     431             : #if defined OS_IS_WINDOWS
     432             :         else
     433             :             outputPath = winify(inputPath)
     434             : #endif
     435             :         end if
     436             : 
     437           3 :     end subroutine modify
     438             : 
     439             : !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
     440             : 
     441             :     !> \brief
     442             :     !> This procedure is a static method of the class [Path_type](@ref path_type).\n
     443             :     !> Split the input path to directory, base file name, and the file extension, based on the input OS slash.
     444             :     !>
     445             :     !> \param[in]       path    :   The input path.
     446             :     !> \param[in]       slash   :   The separator used by the operating system to delimit segments of a path.
     447             :     !> \param[out]      dir     :   The directory segment of the path.
     448             :     !> \param[out]      name    :   The base file name segment of the path.
     449             :     !> \param[out]      ext     :   The file extension segment of the path.
     450        7002 :     subroutine getDirNameExt(path,slash,dir,name,ext)
     451             : #if INTEL_COMPILER_ENABLED && defined DLL_ENABLED && (OS_IS_WINDOWS || defined OS_IS_DARWIN)
     452             :         !DEC$ ATTRIBUTES DLLEXPORT :: getDirNameExt
     453             : #endif
     454             :         implicit none
     455             :         character(*)             , intent(in)   :: path
     456             :         character(1)             , intent(in)   :: slash
     457             :         character(:), allocatable, intent(out)  :: dir, name, ext
     458        7002 :         character(:), allocatable               :: fullName
     459        7002 :         call getDirFullName(path,slash,dir,fullName)
     460        7002 :         call getNameExt(fullName,name,ext)
     461        7005 :     end subroutine getDirNameExt
     462             : 
     463             : !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
     464             : 
     465             :     !> \brief
     466             :     !> This procedure is a static method of the class [Path_type](@ref path_type).\n
     467             :     !> Return the directory and full filename (including the file extension) of the input path.
     468             :     !>
     469             :     !> \param[in]       path        :   The input path.
     470             :     !> \param[in]       slash       :   The separator used by the operating system to delimit segments of a path.
     471             :     !> \param[out]      dir         :   The directory segment of the path.
     472             :     !> \param[out]      fullName    :   The full file name and extension segment of the path.
     473        7008 :     subroutine getDirFullName(path,slash,dir,fullName)
     474             : #if INTEL_COMPILER_ENABLED && defined DLL_ENABLED && (OS_IS_WINDOWS || defined OS_IS_DARWIN)
     475             :         !DEC$ ATTRIBUTES DLLEXPORT :: getDirFullName
     476             : #endif
     477        7002 :         use Constants_mod, only: IK
     478             :         implicit none
     479             :         character(*)             , intent(in)   :: path
     480             :         character(1)             , intent(in)   :: slash
     481             :         character(:), allocatable, intent(out)  :: dir, fullName
     482             : 
     483             :         integer(IK)                             :: pathLen, slashPos
     484             : 
     485        7008 :         pathLen = len(path)
     486             : 
     487        7008 :         if ( pathLen==0 ) then
     488          15 :             dir=""; fullName=""
     489          15 :             return
     490             :         end if
     491             : 
     492        6993 :         slashPos = index(path,slash,back=.true.)
     493             : 
     494        6993 :         if (slashPos==0) then   ! it is all filename
     495          30 :             dir = ""
     496          30 :             fullName = path
     497        6963 :         elseif (slashPos==pathLen) then   ! it is all directory
     498         483 :             dir = path
     499         483 :             fullName = ""
     500         483 :             return
     501             :         else
     502        6480 :             dir = path(1:slashPos)
     503        6480 :             fullName = path(slashPos+1:pathLen)
     504             :         end if
     505             : 
     506        7008 :     end subroutine getDirFullName
     507             : 
     508             : !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
     509             : 
     510             :     !> \brief
     511             :     !> This procedure is a static method of the class [Path_type](@ref path_type).\n
     512             :     !> Return the name and file extension of the input full file name.
     513             :     !>
     514             :     !> \param[in]       fullName    :   The full file name and extension of the path.
     515             :     !> \param[out]      name        :   The name segment of the file.
     516             :     !> \param[out]      ext         :   The extension segment of the file (including the dot separator).
     517        7008 :     subroutine getNameExt(fullName,name,ext)
     518             : #if INTEL_COMPILER_ENABLED && defined DLL_ENABLED && (OS_IS_WINDOWS || defined OS_IS_DARWIN)
     519             :         !DEC$ ATTRIBUTES DLLEXPORT :: getNameExt
     520             : #endif
     521        7008 :         use Constants_mod, only: IK
     522             :         implicit none
     523             :         character(*), intent(in)                :: fullName
     524             :         character(:), allocatable, intent(out)  :: name,ext
     525             :         integer(IK)                             :: dotPos, lenFilename
     526        7008 :         lenFilename = len(fullName)
     527        7008 :         if (lenFilename==0) then
     528         498 :             name = ""; ext = ""
     529         498 :             return
     530             :         else
     531        6510 :             dotPos = index(fullName,".",back=.true.)
     532        6510 :             if ( dotPos==0 .or. dotPos==lenFilename ) then     ! there is no extension
     533        1239 :                 name = fullName
     534        1239 :                 ext = ""
     535             :             else
     536        5271 :                 name = fullName(1:dotPos-1)
     537        5271 :                 ext  = fullName(dotPos:)
     538             :             end if
     539             :         end if
     540        7008 :     end subroutine getNameExt
     541             : 
     542             : !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
     543             : 
     544             :     !> \brief
     545             :     !> This procedure is a static method of the class [Path_type](@ref path_type).\n
     546             :     !> Make the requested (nested) directory (recursively, if needed).
     547             :     !>
     548             :     !> \param[in]   dirPath     :   The full directory path.
     549             :     !> \param[in]   isUnixShell :   The logical flag indicating whether the OS is Windows (**optional**).
     550             :     !>                              If not present, the runtime shell type will be inferred by the procedure.
     551             :     !> \param[in]   wait        :   The logical flag indicating whether the procedure should wait for the system
     552             :     !>                              operation to complete and return (**optional**, default = `.true.`).
     553             :     !>
     554             :     !> \return
     555             :     !> `Err` : An object of class [Err_type](@ref err_mod::err_type), indicating whether an error has occurred while creating the directory.
     556             :     !>
     557             :     !> \author
     558             :     !> Last updated by Amir Shahmoradi, Tuesday 3:09 AM, Dec 8, 2020, Dallas, TX
     559         389 :     function mkdir(dirPath,isUnixShell,wait) result(Err)
     560             : #if INTEL_COMPILER_ENABLED && defined DLL_ENABLED && (OS_IS_WINDOWS || defined OS_IS_DARWIN)
     561             :         !DEC$ ATTRIBUTES DLLEXPORT :: mkdir
     562             : #endif
     563        7008 :         use Constants_mod, only: IK, NLC
     564             :         use System_mod, only: SysCmd_type, OS_type
     565             :         use String_mod, only: num2str
     566             :         use Err_mod, only: Err_type
     567             :         implicit none
     568             :         character(*), parameter         :: PROCEDURE_NAME = MODULE_NAME//"@mkdir()"
     569             :         character(*), intent(in)        :: dirPath
     570             :         logical, intent(in), optional   :: isUnixShell, wait
     571             :         type(Err_type)                  :: Err
     572         389 :         type(SysCmd_type)               :: SysCmd
     573         389 :         type(OS_type)                   :: OS
     574             :         logical                         :: isUnixShellDefault
     575         389 :         character(:), allocatable       :: command
     576             :         integer(IK)                     :: itry
     577             : 
     578             : 
     579             : 
     580         389 :         Err%occurred = .false.
     581             : 
     582         389 :         if (present(isUnixShell)) then
     583         353 :             isUnixShellDefault = isUnixShell
     584             :         else
     585          36 :             OS%Err%occurred = .false.
     586          36 :             call OS%query()
     587          36 :             if (OS%Err%occurred) then
     588             :                 ! LCOV_EXCL_START
     589             :                 command = 'mkdir "'//dirPath//'"'
     590             :                 ! LCOV_EXCL_STOP
     591             :             else
     592          36 :                 isUnixShellDefault = OS%Shell%isUnix
     593             :             end if
     594             :         end if
     595             : 
     596         389 :         if (.not. allocated(command)) then
     597         389 :             if (isUnixShellDefault) then
     598         389 :                 command = 'mkdir -p "'//dirPath//'" > /dev/null 2>&1' ! -p enables nested mkdir
     599             : #if defined OS_IS_WINDOWS
     600             :             else
     601             :                 command = 'mkdir "'//dirPath//'" >nul 2>&1' ! WARNING: path has to be enclosed with "" to allow nested mkdir
     602             : #endif
     603             :             end if
     604             :         end if
     605             : 
     606             :         ! Try to create the folder for 10 times, and fail if all attempts fail.
     607             : 
     608         389 :         loopTry: do itry = 1, 10
     609         389 :             SysCmd = SysCmd_type(command, wait)
     610         389 :             if (SysCmd%Err%occurred .and. .not. isdir(dirPath)) cycle loopTry
     611         389 :             deallocate(command)
     612         389 :             return
     613             :         end do loopTry
     614             : 
     615             :         ! LCOV_EXCL_START
     616             :         Err%occurred = .true.
     617             :         Err%stat = SysCmd%Err%stat
     618             :         Err%msg = PROCEDURE_NAME // SysCmd%Err%msg //NLC//"execute_command_line() exitstat: " // num2str(SysCmd%exitstat)
     619             :         ! LCOV_EXCL_STOP
     620             : 
     621         389 :     end function mkdir
     622             : 
     623             : !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
     624             : 
     625             :     !> \brief
     626             :     !> This procedure is a static method of the class [Path_type](@ref path_type).\n
     627             :     !> Return `.true.` if the input path is a directory, otherwise, return `.false.`.
     628             :     !>
     629             :     !> \param[in]   path    :   The full directory path.
     630             :     !>
     631             :     !> \return
     632             :     !> `pathIsDir` : A logical output variable indicating whether the input path is a directory.
     633             :     !>
     634             :     !> \author
     635             :     !> Amir Shahmoradi, Tuesday 3:09 AM, Dec 8, 2020, Dallas, TX
     636         392 :     function isdir(path) result(pathIsDir)
     637             : #if INTEL_COMPILER_ENABLED && defined DLL_ENABLED && (OS_IS_WINDOWS || defined OS_IS_DARWIN)
     638             :         !DEC$ ATTRIBUTES DLLEXPORT :: isdir
     639             : #endif
     640             :         implicit none
     641             :         character(*), intent(in)        :: path
     642             :         logical                         :: pathIsDir
     643             : #if defined INTEL_COMPILER_ENABLED
     644             :         inquire(directory = path, exist = pathIsDir)
     645             : #elif defined GNU_COMPILER_ENABLED
     646         392 :         inquire(file = path, exist = pathIsDir)
     647             : #else
     648             : #error "This procedure does not currently support compilers other than Intel ifort and GNU gfortran."
     649             : #endif
     650         781 :     end function isdir
     651             : 
     652             : !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
     653             : 
     654             : end module Path_mod ! LCOV_EXCL_LINE

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