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Current view: top level - kernel/tests - Test_Err_mod.f90 (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: ParaMonte 1.5.1 :: MPI Parallel Kernel - Code Coverage Report Lines: 176 176 100.0 %
Date: 2021-01-08 13:07:16 Functions: 7 7 100.0 %
Legend: Lines: hit not hit

          Line data    Source code
       1             : !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
       2             : !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
       3             : !!!!
       4             : !!!!   MIT License
       5             : !!!!
       6             : !!!!   ParaMonte: plain powerful parallel Monte Carlo library.
       7             : !!!!
       8             : !!!!   Copyright (C) 2012-present, The Computational Data Science Lab
       9             : !!!!
      10             : !!!!   This file is part of the ParaMonte library.
      11             : !!!!
      12             : !!!!   Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
      13             : !!!!   copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
      14             : !!!!   to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
      15             : !!!!   the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
      16             : !!!!   and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
      17             : !!!!   Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
      18             : !!!!
      19             : !!!!   The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
      20             : !!!!   included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
      21             : !!!!
      28             : !!!!   OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.
      29             : !!!!
      30             : !!!!   ACKNOWLEDGMENT
      31             : !!!!
      32             : !!!!   ParaMonte is an honor-ware and its currency is acknowledgment and citations.
      33             : !!!!   As per the ParaMonte library license agreement terms, if you use any parts of
      34             : !!!!   this library for any purposes, kindly acknowledge the use of ParaMonte in your
      35             : !!!!   work (education/research/industry/development/...) by citing the ParaMonte
      36             : !!!!   library as described on this page:
      37             : !!!!
      38             : !!!!
      39             : !!!!
      40             : !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      41             : !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      42             : 
      43             : !>  \brief This module contains tests of the module [Err_mod](@ref err_mod).
      44             : !>  \author Amir Shahmoradi
      45             : 
      46             : module Test_Err_mod
      47             : 
      48             :     use Err_mod
      49             :     use Decoration_mod, only: TAB
      50             :     use Test_mod, only: Test_type
      51             :     implicit none
      52             : 
      53             :     private
      54             :     public :: test_Err
      55             : 
      56             :     type(Test_type) :: Test
      57             : 
      58             :     character(*), parameter :: mc_prefix =  TAB//TAB//"ParaMonte"
      59             :     character(*), parameter :: mc_msg    =  "What does a fish know about the water in which it swims all its life?    Albert Einstein\n" // &
      60             :                                             "Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler.    Albert Einstein\n" // &
      61             :                                             "The absence of evidence is not evidence for absence.    Carl Sagan\n" // &
      62             :                                             "If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.    Isaac Newton\n" // &
      63             :                                             "I don't pretend to understand the universe - it's much bigger than I am.    Thomas Carlyle"
      64             : 
      65             : !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
      66             : 
      67             : contains
      68             : 
      69             : !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
      70             : 
      71           3 :     subroutine test_Err()
      72             : 
      73             :         implicit none
      74             : 
      75           3 :         Test = Test_type(moduleName=MODULE_NAME)
      76           3 :         call Test%run(test_note_1, "test_note_1")
      77           3 :         call Test%run(test_note_2, "test_note_2")
      78           3 :         call Test%run(test_warn_1, "test_warn_1")
      79           3 :         call Test%run(test_warn_2, "test_warn_2")
      80           3 :         call Test%run(test_abort_1, "test_abort_1")
      81           3 :         call Test%run(test_abort_2, "test_abort_2")
      82           3 :         call Test%finalize()
      83             : 
      84           3 :     end subroutine test_Err
      85             : 
      86             : !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
      87             : 
      88           3 :     function test_note_1() result(assertion)
      89             : 
      90           3 :         use JaggedArray_mod, only: CharVec_type
      91             :         use Constants_mod, only: IK
      92             :         use String_mod, only: num2str
      93             : 
      94             :         implicit none
      95             : 
      96             :         integer(IK) :: fileUnit, i, iostat
      97             :         logical :: assertion, assertionCurrent
      98             :         integer(IK), parameter :: NLINE = 5_IK
      99           3 :         type(CharVec_type), allocatable :: OutputList_ref(:)
     100           3 :         type(CharVec_type), allocatable :: OutputList(:)
     101             : 
     102           3 :         assertion = .true.
     103             : 
     104          18 :         if (allocated(OutputList)) deallocate(OutputList); allocate(OutputList(NLINE))
     105          18 :         if (allocated(OutputList_ref)) deallocate(OutputList_ref); allocate(OutputList_ref(NLINE))
     106             : 
     107           3 :         OutputList_ref(1)%record = "        ParaMonte - NOTE: What does a fish know about the water in which it swims all its life?    Albert Einstein"
     108           3 :         OutputList_ref(2)%record = "        ParaMonte - NOTE: Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler.    Albert Einstein"
     109           3 :         OutputList_ref(3)%record = "        ParaMonte - NOTE: The absence of evidence is not evidence for absence.    Carl Sagan"
     110           3 :         OutputList_ref(4)%record = "        ParaMonte - NOTE: If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.    Isaac Newton"
     111           3 :         OutputList_ref(5)%record = "        ParaMonte - NOTE: I don't pretend to understand the universe - it's much bigger than I am.    Thomas Carlyle"
     112             : 
     113           3 :         open(newunit = fileUnit, status = "scratch")
     114             :         !open(newunit = fileUnit, file = Test%outDir//"/Test_Err_mod@test_note_1."//num2str(Test%Image%id)//".out", status = "replace")
     115             : 
     116             :         call note   ( msg = mc_msg &
     117             :                     , prefix  = mc_prefix &
     118             :                     , newline  = "\n" &
     119             :                     , outputUnit = fileUnit &
     120             :                     , marginTop = 0_IK &
     121             :                     , marginBot = 0_IK &
     122           3 :                     )
     123             : 
     124           3 :         rewind(fileUnit)
     125             : 
     126          18 :         do i = 1, NLINE
     127             : 
     128          15 :             if(allocated(OutputList(i)%record)) deallocate(OutputList(i)%record)
     129          15 :             allocate(character(132) :: OutputList(i)%record)
     130             : 
     131          15 :             read(fileUnit,"(A132)", iostat = iostat) OutputList(i)%record
     132          15 :             assertion = iostat == 0_IK
     133             :             if (.not. assertion) return ! LCOV_EXCL_LINE
     134             : 
     135          15 :             OutputList(i)%record = trim(OutputList(i)%record)
     136             : 
     137          15 :             assertionCurrent = OutputList(i)%record == OutputList_ref(i)%record
     138          15 :             assertion = assertion .and. assertionCurrent
     139             : 
     140          18 :             if (Test%isDebugMode .and. .not. assertionCurrent) then
     141             :             ! LCOV_EXCL_START
     142             :                 write(Test%outputUnit,"(*(g0))")
     143             :                 write(Test%outputUnit,"(*(g0))") "OutputList_ref(",num2str(i),")%record = ", OutputList_ref(i)%record
     144             :                 write(Test%outputUnit,"(*(g0))") "OutputList    (",num2str(i),")%record = ", OutputList(i)%record
     145             :                 write(Test%outputUnit,"(*(g0))")
     146             :             end if
     147             :             ! LCOV_EXCL_STOP
     148             : 
     149             :         end do
     150             : 
     151          33 :     end function test_note_1
     152             : 
     153             : !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
     154             : 
     155           3 :     function test_note_2() result(assertion)
     156             : 
     157           3 :         use JaggedArray_mod, only: CharVec_type
     158             :         use Constants_mod, only: IK, NLC
     159             :         use String_mod, only: num2str, replaceStr
     160             : 
     161             :         implicit none
     162             : 
     163             :         integer(IK) :: fileUnit, i, iostat
     164             :         logical :: assertion, assertionCurrent
     165             :         integer(IK), parameter :: NLINE = 7_IK
     166           3 :         type(CharVec_type), allocatable :: OutputList_ref(:)
     167           3 :         type(CharVec_type), allocatable :: OutputList(:)
     168             : 
     169           3 :         assertion = .true.
     170             : 
     171          24 :         if (allocated(OutputList)) deallocate(OutputList); allocate(OutputList(NLINE))
     172          24 :         if (allocated(OutputList_ref)) deallocate(OutputList_ref); allocate(OutputList_ref(NLINE))
     173             : 
     174           3 :         OutputList_ref(1)%record = ""
     175           3 :         OutputList_ref(2)%record = " - NOTE: What does a fish know about the water in which it swims all its life?    Albert Einstein"
     176           3 :         OutputList_ref(3)%record = " - NOTE: Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler.    Albert Einstein"
     177           3 :         OutputList_ref(4)%record = " - NOTE: The absence of evidence is not evidence for absence.    Carl Sagan"
     178           3 :         OutputList_ref(5)%record = " - NOTE: If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.    Isaac Newton"
     179           3 :         OutputList_ref(6)%record = " - NOTE: I don't pretend to understand the universe - it's much bigger than I am.    Thomas Carlyle"
     180           3 :         OutputList_ref(7)%record = ""
     181             : 
     182           3 :         open(newunit = fileUnit, status = "scratch")
     183             :         !open(newunit = fileUnit, file = Test%outDir//"/Test_Err_mod@test_note_2."//num2str(Test%Image%id)//".out", status = "replace")
     184             : 
     185           3 :         call note   ( msg = replaceStr(mc_msg, "\n", NLC) &
     186             :                     , outputUnit = fileUnit &
     187             :                     , newline  = NLC &
     188           6 :                     )
     189             : 
     190           3 :         rewind(fileUnit)
     191             : 
     192          24 :         do i = 1, NLINE
     193             : 
     194          21 :             if(allocated(OutputList(i)%record)) deallocate(OutputList(i)%record)
     195          21 :             allocate(character(132) :: OutputList(i)%record)
     196             : 
     197          21 :             read(fileUnit,"(A132)", iostat = iostat) OutputList(i)%record
     198          21 :             assertion = iostat == 0_IK
     199             :             if (.not. assertion) return ! LCOV_EXCL_LINE
     200             : 
     201          21 :             OutputList(i)%record = trim(OutputList(i)%record)
     202             : 
     203          21 :             assertionCurrent = OutputList(i)%record == OutputList_ref(i)%record
     204          21 :             assertion = assertion .and. assertionCurrent
     205             : 
     206          24 :             if (Test%isDebugMode .and. .not. assertionCurrent) then
     207             :             ! LCOV_EXCL_START
     208             :                 write(Test%outputUnit,"(*(g0))")
     209             :                 write(Test%outputUnit,"(*(g0))") "OutputList_ref(",num2str(i),")%record = ", OutputList_ref(i)%record
     210             :                 write(Test%outputUnit,"(*(g0))") "OutputList    (",num2str(i),")%record = ", OutputList(i)%record
     211             :                 write(Test%outputUnit,"(*(g0))")
     212             :             end if
     213             :             ! LCOV_EXCL_STOP
     214             : 
     215             :         end do
     216             : 
     217          45 :     end function test_note_2
     218             : 
     219             : !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
     220             : 
     221           3 :     function test_warn_1() result(assertion)
     222             : 
     223           3 :         use JaggedArray_mod, only: CharVec_type
     224             :         use Constants_mod, only: IK
     225             :         use String_mod, only: num2str
     226             : 
     227             :         implicit none
     228             : 
     229             :         integer(IK) :: fileUnit, i, iostat
     230             :         logical :: assertion, assertionCurrent
     231             :         integer(IK), parameter :: NLINE = 5_IK
     232           3 :         type(CharVec_type), allocatable :: OutputList_ref(:)
     233           3 :         type(CharVec_type), allocatable :: OutputList(:)
     234             : 
     235           3 :         assertion = .true.
     236             : 
     237          18 :         if (allocated(OutputList)) deallocate(OutputList); allocate(OutputList(NLINE))
     238          18 :         if (allocated(OutputList_ref)) deallocate(OutputList_ref); allocate(OutputList_ref(NLINE))
     239             : 
     240           3 :         OutputList_ref(1)%record = "        ParaMonte - WARNING: What does a fish know about the water in which it swims all its life?    Albert Einstein"
     241           3 :         OutputList_ref(2)%record = "        ParaMonte - WARNING: Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler.    Albert Einstein"
     242           3 :         OutputList_ref(3)%record = "        ParaMonte - WARNING: The absence of evidence is not evidence for absence.    Carl Sagan"
     243           3 :         OutputList_ref(4)%record = "        ParaMonte - WARNING: If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.    Isaac Newton"
     244           3 :         OutputList_ref(5)%record = "        ParaMonte - WARNING: I don't pretend to understand the universe - it's much bigger than I am.    Thomas Carlyle"
     245             : 
     246           3 :         open(newunit = fileUnit, status = "scratch")
     247             :         !open(newunit = fileUnit, file = Test%outDir//"/Test_Err_mod@test_warn_1."//num2str(Test%Image%id)//".out", status = "replace")
     248             : 
     249             :         call warn   ( msg = mc_msg &
     250             :                     , prefix  = mc_prefix &
     251             :                     , newline  = "\n" &
     252             :                     , outputUnit = fileUnit &
     253             :                     , marginTop = 0_IK &
     254             :                     , marginBot = 0_IK &
     255           3 :                     )
     256             : 
     257           3 :         rewind(fileUnit)
     258             : 
     259          18 :         do i = 1, NLINE
     260             : 
     261          15 :             if(allocated(OutputList(i)%record)) deallocate(OutputList(i)%record)
     262          15 :             allocate(character(132) :: OutputList(i)%record)
     263             : 
     264          15 :             read(fileUnit,"(A132)", iostat = iostat) OutputList(i)%record
     265          15 :             assertion = iostat == 0_IK
     266             :             if (.not. assertion) return ! LCOV_EXCL_LINE
     267             : 
     268          15 :             OutputList(i)%record = trim(OutputList(i)%record)
     269             : 
     270          15 :             assertionCurrent = OutputList(i)%record == OutputList_ref(i)%record
     271          15 :             assertion = assertion .and. assertionCurrent
     272             : 
     273          18 :             if (Test%isDebugMode .and. .not. assertionCurrent) then
     274             :             ! LCOV_EXCL_START
     275             :                 write(Test%outputUnit,"(*(g0))")
     276             :                 write(Test%outputUnit,"(*(g0))") "OutputList_ref(",num2str(i),")%record = ", OutputList_ref(i)%record
     277             :                 write(Test%outputUnit,"(*(g0))") "OutputList    (",num2str(i),")%record = ", OutputList(i)%record
     278             :                 write(Test%outputUnit,"(*(g0))")
     279             :             end if
     280             :             ! LCOV_EXCL_STOP
     281             : 
     282             :         end do
     283             : 
     284          33 :     end function test_warn_1
     285             : 
     286             : !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
     287             : 
     288           3 :     function test_warn_2() result(assertion)
     289             : 
     290           3 :         use JaggedArray_mod, only: CharVec_type
     291             :         use Constants_mod, only: IK, NLC
     292             :         use String_mod, only: num2str, replaceStr
     293             : 
     294             :         implicit none
     295             : 
     296             :         integer(IK) :: fileUnit, i, iostat
     297             :         logical :: assertion, assertionCurrent
     298             :         integer(IK), parameter :: NLINE = 7_IK
     299           3 :         type(CharVec_type), allocatable :: OutputList_ref(:)
     300           3 :         type(CharVec_type), allocatable :: OutputList(:)
     301             : 
     302           3 :         assertion = .true.
     303             : 
     304          24 :         if (allocated(OutputList)) deallocate(OutputList); allocate(OutputList(NLINE))
     305          24 :         if (allocated(OutputList_ref)) deallocate(OutputList_ref); allocate(OutputList_ref(NLINE))
     306             : 
     307           3 :         OutputList_ref(1)%record = ""
     308           3 :         OutputList_ref(2)%record = " - WARNING: What does a fish know about the water in which it swims all its life?    Albert Einstein"
     309           3 :         OutputList_ref(3)%record = " - WARNING: Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler.    Albert Einstein"
     310           3 :         OutputList_ref(4)%record = " - WARNING: The absence of evidence is not evidence for absence.    Carl Sagan"
     311           3 :         OutputList_ref(5)%record = " - WARNING: If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.    Isaac Newton"
     312           3 :         OutputList_ref(6)%record = " - WARNING: I don't pretend to understand the universe - it's much bigger than I am.    Thomas Carlyle"
     313           3 :         OutputList_ref(7)%record = ""
     314             : 
     315           3 :         open(newunit = fileUnit, status = "scratch")
     316             :         !open(newunit = fileUnit, file = Test%outDir//"/Test_Err_mod@test_warn_2."//num2str(Test%Image%id)//".out", status = "replace")
     317             : 
     318           3 :         call warn   ( msg = replaceStr(mc_msg, "\n", NLC) &
     319             :                     , outputUnit = fileUnit &
     320             :                     , newline  = NLC &
     321           6 :                     )
     322             : 
     323           3 :         rewind(fileUnit)
     324             : 
     325          24 :         do i = 1, NLINE
     326             : 
     327          21 :             if(allocated(OutputList(i)%record)) deallocate(OutputList(i)%record)
     328          21 :             allocate(character(132) :: OutputList(i)%record)
     329             : 
     330          21 :             read(fileUnit,"(A132)", iostat = iostat) OutputList(i)%record
     331          21 :             assertion = iostat == 0_IK
     332             :             if (.not. assertion) return ! LCOV_EXCL_LINE
     333             : 
     334          21 :             OutputList(i)%record = trim(OutputList(i)%record)
     335             : 
     336          21 :             assertionCurrent = OutputList(i)%record == OutputList_ref(i)%record
     337          21 :             assertion = assertion .and. assertionCurrent
     338             : 
     339          24 :             if (Test%isDebugMode .and. .not. assertionCurrent) then
     340             :             ! LCOV_EXCL_START
     341             :                 write(Test%outputUnit,"(*(g0))")
     342             :                 write(Test%outputUnit,"(*(g0))") "OutputList_ref(",num2str(i),")%record = ", OutputList_ref(i)%record
     343             :                 write(Test%outputUnit,"(*(g0))") "OutputList    (",num2str(i),")%record = ", OutputList(i)%record
     344             :                 write(Test%outputUnit,"(*(g0))")
     345             :             end if
     346             :             ! LCOV_EXCL_STOP
     347             : 
     348             :         end do
     349             : 
     350          45 :     end function test_warn_2
     351             : 
     352             : !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
     353             : 
     354           3 :     function test_abort_1() result(assertion)
     355             : 
     356           3 :         use JaggedArray_mod, only: CharVec_type
     357             :         use Constants_mod, only: IK
     358             :         use String_mod, only: num2str
     359             : 
     360             :         implicit none
     361             : 
     362             :         integer(IK) :: fileUnit, i, iostat
     363             :         logical :: assertion, assertionCurrent
     364             :         integer(IK), parameter :: NLINE = 6_IK
     365           3 :         type(CharVec_type), allocatable :: OutputList_ref(:)
     366           3 :         type(CharVec_type), allocatable :: OutputList(:)
     367           3 :         type(Err_type) :: Err
     368             : 
     369           3 :         assertion = .true.
     370           3 :         mv_isTestingMode = .true.
     371             : 
     372          21 :         if (allocated(OutputList)) deallocate(OutputList); allocate(OutputList(NLINE))
     373          21 :         if (allocated(OutputList_ref)) deallocate(OutputList_ref); allocate(OutputList_ref(NLINE))
     374             : 
     375           3 :         OutputList_ref(1)%record = ""
     376           3 :         OutputList_ref(2)%record = "        ParaMonte - FATAL: What does a fish know about the water in which it swims all its life?    Albert Einstein"
     377           3 :         OutputList_ref(3)%record = "        ParaMonte - FATAL: Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler.    Albert Einstein"
     378           3 :         OutputList_ref(4)%record = "        ParaMonte - FATAL: The absence of evidence is not evidence for absence.    Carl Sagan"
     379           3 :         OutputList_ref(5)%record = "        ParaMonte - FATAL: If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.    Isaac Newton"
     380           3 :         OutputList_ref(6)%record = "        ParaMonte - FATAL: I don't pretend to understand the universe - it's much bigger than I am.    Thomas Carlyle"
     381             : 
     382           3 :         open(newunit = fileUnit, status = "scratch")
     383             :         !open(newunit = fileUnit, file = Test%outDir//"/Test_Err_mod@test_abort_1."//num2str(Test%Image%id)//".out", status = "replace")
     384             : 
     385           3 :         Err%msg = mc_msg
     386             :         call abort  ( Err = Err &
     387             :                     , prefix  = mc_prefix &
     388             :                     , newline  = "\n" &
     389             :                     , outputUnit = fileUnit &
     390             :                     , returnEnabled = .true. &
     391           3 :                     )
     392             : 
     393           3 :         rewind(fileUnit)
     394             : 
     395          21 :         do i = 1, NLINE
     396             : 
     397          18 :             if(allocated(OutputList(i)%record)) deallocate(OutputList(i)%record)
     398          18 :             allocate(character(132) :: OutputList(i)%record)
     399             : 
     400          18 :             read(fileUnit,"(A132)", iostat = iostat) OutputList(i)%record
     401          18 :             assertion = iostat == 0_IK
     402             :             if (.not. assertion) return ! LCOV_EXCL_LINE
     403             : 
     404          18 :             OutputList(i)%record = trim(OutputList(i)%record)
     405             : 
     406          18 :             assertionCurrent = OutputList(i)%record == OutputList_ref(i)%record
     407          18 :             assertion = assertion .and. assertionCurrent
     408             : 
     409          21 :             if (Test%isDebugMode .and. .not. assertionCurrent) then
     410             :             ! LCOV_EXCL_START
     411             :                 write(Test%outputUnit,"(*(g0))")
     412             :                 write(Test%outputUnit,"(*(g0))") "OutputList_ref(",num2str(i),")%record = ", OutputList_ref(i)%record
     413             :                 write(Test%outputUnit,"(*(g0))") "OutputList    (",num2str(i),")%record = ", OutputList(i)%record
     414             :                 write(Test%outputUnit,"(*(g0))")
     415             :             end if
     416             :             ! LCOV_EXCL_STOP
     417             : 
     418             :         end do
     419             : 
     420          39 :     end function test_abort_1
     421             : 
     422             : !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
     423             : 
     424             :     !> \brief
     425             :     !> Test the effects of an input non-null error code `Err%stat`.
     426             :     !> Test the effects of missing arguments `prefix`, `returnEnabled`, and `newline`.
     427           3 :     function test_abort_2() result(assertion)
     428             : 
     429           3 :         use JaggedArray_mod, only: CharVec_type
     430             :         use Constants_mod, only: IK, NLC
     431             :         use String_mod, only: num2str, replaceStr
     432             : 
     433             :         implicit none
     434             : 
     435             :         integer(IK) :: fileUnit, i, iostat
     436             :         logical :: assertion, assertionCurrent
     437             :         integer(IK), parameter :: NLINE = 7_IK
     438           3 :         type(CharVec_type), allocatable :: OutputList_ref(:)
     439           3 :         type(CharVec_type), allocatable :: OutputList(:)
     440           3 :         type(Err_type) :: Err
     441             : 
     442           3 :         assertion = .true.
     443           3 :         mv_isTestingMode = .true.
     444             : 
     445          24 :         if (allocated(OutputList)) deallocate(OutputList); allocate(OutputList(NLINE))
     446          24 :         if (allocated(OutputList_ref)) deallocate(OutputList_ref); allocate(OutputList_ref(NLINE))
     447             : 
     448           3 :         OutputList_ref(1)%record = ""
     449           3 :         OutputList_ref(2)%record = " - FATAL: What does a fish know about the water in which it swims all its life?    Albert Einstein"
     450           3 :         OutputList_ref(3)%record = " - FATAL: Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler.    Albert Einstein"
     451           3 :         OutputList_ref(4)%record = " - FATAL: The absence of evidence is not evidence for absence.    Carl Sagan"
     452           3 :         OutputList_ref(5)%record = " - FATAL: If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.    Isaac Newton"
     453           3 :         OutputList_ref(6)%record = " - FATAL: I don't pretend to understand the universe - it's much bigger than I am.    Thomas Carlyle"
     454           3 :         OutputList_ref(7)%record = " - FATAL: Error Code: 123."
     455             : 
     456           3 :         open(newunit = fileUnit, status = "scratch")
     457             :         !open(newunit = fileUnit, file = Test%outDir//"/Test_Err_mod@test_abort_2."//num2str(Test%Image%id)//".out", status = "replace")
     458             : 
     459           3 :         Err%msg = replaceStr(mc_msg, "\n", NLC)
     460           3 :         Err%stat = 123_IK
     461             :         call abort  ( Err = Err &
     462             :                     , outputUnit = fileUnit &
     463           3 :                     )
     464             : 
     465           3 :         rewind(fileUnit)
     466             : 
     467          24 :         do i = 1, NLINE
     468             : 
     469          21 :             if(allocated(OutputList(i)%record)) deallocate(OutputList(i)%record)
     470          21 :             allocate(character(132) :: OutputList(i)%record)
     471             : 
     472          21 :             read(fileUnit,"(A132)", iostat = iostat) OutputList(i)%record
     473          21 :             assertion = iostat == 0_IK
     474             :             if (.not. assertion) return ! LCOV_EXCL_LINE
     475             : 
     476          21 :             OutputList(i)%record = trim(OutputList(i)%record)
     477             : 
     478          21 :             assertionCurrent = OutputList(i)%record == OutputList_ref(i)%record
     479          21 :             assertion = assertion .and. assertionCurrent
     480             : 
     481          24 :             if (Test%isDebugMode .and. .not. assertionCurrent) then
     482             :             ! LCOV_EXCL_START
     483             :                 write(Test%outputUnit,"(*(g0))")
     484             :                 write(Test%outputUnit,"(*(g0))") "OutputList_ref(",num2str(i),")%record = '", OutputList_ref(i)%record, "'"
     485             :                 write(Test%outputUnit,"(*(g0))") "OutputList    (",num2str(i),")%record = '", OutputList(i)%record, "'"
     486             :                 write(Test%outputUnit,"(*(g0))")
     487             :             end if
     488             :             ! LCOV_EXCL_STOP
     489             : 
     490             :         end do
     491             : 
     492          45 :     end function test_abort_2
     493             : 
     494             : !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
     495             : 
     496             : end module Test_Err_mod ! LCOV_EXCL_LINE

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The Computational Data Science Lab
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